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This is the perfect product for running or any activity where you do not want to hold your phone. The material is nice and lightweight with good quality material. I really like the band because it fits very comfortably. It does not feel like it will move a lot when I run. I have a 6s plus with a thicker case and it fits perfectly. Nice and snug but easy to put in and take out. For the quality, light weight, comfort, and thinness, I would definitely recommend this product.
Thanks! This was the best belt in my opinion.
Good product
Omg do I love this bag!!! Its so hard to find a good fanny pack for a big girl and this one is perfect!
This has good quality and has everything you need. Love it!
Actually really like this belt. I have wider hips and it totally stretched to hip size. Love it.
Holds everything I need. Works great. Can wear front or back or side
Love it light weight and very comfortable