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This body chain impresses me everytime I go to wear it! It never tangles up and is easy to figure out. I've purchased others and they usually get so tangled and are hard to put on that I have to throw them away!
Very cute! And not cheap at all! I was concerned about this being cheaply made or fragile. I wore it out over a nice top one day and even under a sweater and it didn't break. It's very simple and elegant.
Love it! I didn’t go in the water with it so no issues with changing color. I would recommend to wear while socializing outside of the water only :) super cute and fun - great way to mix things up!
OMG it is so cute, you can wear it over your swimsuit or over your outfit! The best find and so cheap! It is hard to keep it from not tangling but what necklace doesn't tangle.
I bought this for my engagement photos and it looked amazing. Perfect for a deep plunge dress
I was looking for something charming and sexy to use and i found that. Its awesome the combination wearing bikini. I really recommend.
Very cute once I figure out how to get it on. It came tangled, but once I got it to work it was amazing!!!
I absolutely loved this body chain. It’s so sexy and was perfect for this low cut dress. I can’t wait to wear it with a bikini.
Took a second to figure out how to put it on, but it’s great value for money. It looks really good one as pictured.
Pretty! Looks pretty and adds a little sexiness to v-necks, tanks and crop tops. Fun with bathing suits too.
Love it. It's inexpensive and like most chains you have to be careful not to break it by catching it on something, but it's beautiful and looks great with a bikini.
I love how this body chain look and it looks just like the picture
Gets tangled easily, but well worth the money. I wore it to a pool party and looked awesome
Really good price for such good quality