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This is an absolutely unique watch, I’ve never seen anything like it!!! It looks so cool and cute, I wish we had such watches when I was a kid lol. I got it for my 6 yr old and she adores it!!! The little girl and the cat are very nicely designed, the band is smooth and comfy. Amazing gift for little girls!!!
My daughter is 3 and she loves her watch but gets tired of wearing it. She will occasionally throw it and it is still intact and functioning. Definitely durable. The color is nice and bright, and the design is super cute. Worth every penny.
This was a win for us. Daughter loves it and wears it everywhere, we haven't gotten it wet other than rain and hand washing so I can't speak much on the water resistance but we've had this watch for a few months now and it's still in good/working condition
I was thinking hard about what to give for my little niece’s birthday until I saw this watch. Can’t even tell you how FAST I bought it haha. It looks cute and unique, I like that she can wear it just as a bracelet because you can ‘hide’ the display. 5/5 stars!!
Got it for my granddaughter, she’s 5 and it’s her first watch. I chose digital because it’s still a bit hard for her to tell the time with hands… I think it’s a perfect choice for little girls, the design is really lovely.
This watch is wonderful!!! Granddaughter loves it. She’s 3.5 years old. Wears it everyday. The girl and the cat are adorable. She also likes how the display pops up. Having tons of fun!!! Highly recommend
This feels a bit bulky. Yes, it’s cute and unique and stuff, but it’s just too much for a kid’s hand. Daughter loves it though
My 4 year old granddaughter LOVES it! She cannot tell time yet but is enchanted with the watch! And it is waterproof!
My 3 year old granddaughter has not taken this off since she put it on. Wears it in the shower and pool. Still working!
My twins each received one for their 6th bday. They love to check the time. Watch fits great!
My grandbaby loves it and she plays with it all the time. Thank you
My daughter loves it. Pretty pink and pretty girl and cat.