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I’m in love with this product! It looks gorgeous and serves as a decoration for my car, but it’s also there for emergencies. I checked the visibility of my number through the window, and it’s as clear as day!! Now I feel way more comfortable leaving my car at any parking spot, and generally safer. Recommend!
It’s made really well, no drawbacks. The rhinestones are attached well and I managed to firmly secure it to the dashboard, so I’m not worried it will fall off. The numbers are easy to attach too, and they glow nicely in the dark. Very useful item.
Oooh, this one is amazing!!! I absolutely LOVE the design, it’s so sparkly when the sun shines onto it, it glistens so nicely, I’m charmed by it lol. It’s also pretty secure and easy to attach
This is exactly what I was looking for!! I love glam, and this is a 100% match for my car interior! All my friends complimented me on how it sparkles haha well, I hope it will serve its purpose well too
For some reason, I expected it to be bigger, but now I see that it’s just as in the pictures… I don’t know what size these things usually are, but I guess this is enough. The number is visible if you’re close enough
Had a bit of trouble putting the stickers on and messed up a couple, but thankfully there were extra ones. Otherwise, pretty good, would recommend
I only saw these boring black number cards before and never wanted to buy one until I saw THIS. The design is immaculate, the stickers are amazing and bright, the size is perfect - an ideal accessory for a girly car
Just as in the pictures and works great!! The diamonds spark in the sun, and the numbers glow bright at night. Charming design and even more charming price