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Everything is fine, as in the description. The watch has a beautiful black color, so it is bright, but not too much. The rhinestones look nice, sparcling, and I like that the dial is all black, it’s easy to read when it’s sunny. I had a watch with stones at the dial and it sparked so it was hard to look at it. It is also not too heavy, very comfortable to wear, I don’t get tired of it.
I wear it every day. No complaints. Great quality. The mechanism is excellent-the time is accurate (do not hurry and do not lag behind).
Beautiful watch, designed well. It looks very good because of this deep black color, and the dial is easy to read
Bought it for my wife, but changed my mind and now I wear it :) looks good, very stylish
The clock looks solid, heavy. On the hand it looks chic. Very bright, like it.
Product has excellent quality, unique. Heavy and sturdy as described.
For the price it is an excellent watch, it is beautiful and looks elegant.
The watch is chic, looks better than in the picture, I'm very happy
Beautiful watch. Exactly as the description says. Recommend.
The watch is cool. It looks expensive. Quite heavy.
The watch is chic, it looks very expensive!
Very good, high quality and very beautiful
It’s good, but i wish they’d be waterproof
I like the quality and the color, very good
Not a bad watch, my husband liked
Great quality, worth buying!
Good watch! Presentable!