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The item arrived in perfect condition. Upon opening, I found the bracelet to be of ideal weight: not too light as to feel inexpensive, but also not heavy enough to restrict my mobility. The clasp is furthermore extremely secure: I have thinner wrists, so this is a vital feature for me. The metal for this bracelet is well-polished and appears to have a platinum finish, which accents all of my outfits both casual and formal. This is an incredibly versatile bracelet, and I highly recommend this to any interested customer.
I was so nervous when I ordered this. So hard to buy quality jewelry when you aren't seeing it in person. I simply do not have enough words to praise this bracelet. It looks even better than the online photos. I bought it for my fiance's birthday. He loves it. High quality stainless steel, great thickness and weight for the money! I cannot believe I found a bracelet this level for this price. Buy it! You won't be disappointed.
I was kind of skeptical ordering a bracelet online because you never know if it is going to turn your wrist green, but the quality is very nice for its price. The bracelet isn’t too heavy but isn’t that light either. Great bracelet so I am keeping it. But it is a little hard to put on by yourself though so good luck.
Very nice bracelet. It has a really good heavy weight to it. About 40 grams or so. Very sturdy and the clasp is great. It’s way better than a lobster clasp, has a good lock mechanism and even two locking bars. Well worth the money and it looks phenomenal.
It is indeed 100% stainless steel. I removed 2 links to make it fit my wrist, and they are VERY tough and strong. No plated metal, but actually the entire piece is SS.
Yooo, absolutely fire! All my friends have been asking me if it's real silver. Amazing weight and quality, I'm so happy with my purchase.
Love the bracelet. Haven’t taken it off in over a week. Wear it to work construction. Very sturdy, heavy and shiny. Fits perfectly too!
Nothing to dislike, it's a beautiful solid piece of jewelry. I do recommend it for anyone looking for quality jewelry.
Nice, good looking bracelet! The reason I gave it four stars is that I don’t like the way clasp is made.
Very nice. Loved the locking mechanism… Really great as a gift or for yourself.
Item as described, promptly delivered. Love the clasp and safety hasps.
I bought this bracelet as a gift for my son. It fits his hand very good.
I like how big it is but I don’t like that is not that shiny
Good product, a little hard to get on by oneself.
Nice quality. Heavy, but not gaudy!
My husband loved it. Beautiful!
Can't fasten it with one hand…
Super nice and well made.