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I love this anklet so much! I’ve been having it for 3 months now and I would definitely recommend it. It’s cute for an everyday wear. As long as you take care of it it’s durable. I don’t regret buying it!
Love this anklet! It is well made and sturdy, and the details of the design are beautiful. The adjustable clasp insures a good fit, and the double chain style is so elegant.
Very pretty just as I hoped it would be. So happy with this purchase I already received many compliments, really love this anklet.
This anklet is well made, I get 2 anklets with this purchase, I'm so happy that the product is like the product description, as I expected.
These are a good durability for the price it came with two cute bracelets and they fit perfectly on the ankle.
I buy it as gift to my daughter, she loved it so much and wear it every day. Nice quality last for several months!
These anklets are very fashionable. Fit great and look awesome with shorts. They have not tarnished at all. Love the double look. Great anklets and a great price.
Just what I wanted looks great will be ordering more for gifts
Ordered for quick photos. Very cute. Will pass to my daughters.
My 9-year-old granddaughter loved this pretty 2-strand anklet! She put it on right away and hasn't taken it off since!
I love the design and how it fit on my ankle just wish it was a little more smaller but good so far
The item is super cute more than what I expected
Very cute looking. Pleasantly surprised by how sturdy they are. Stylish and affordable, Have gotten lots of compliments.
You get two bracelets for the price of one. Good color/ adjustable / and dainty.
It's so beautiful, fits perfectly and looks good! Well made, I will order it again.
Absolutely beautiful. Perfect Valentine‘s Day present. I love this it!! ❤❤❤
I really like this ankle bracket it's perfect for the size and the color. I like the heart. I would get this in silver too
It’s really cute. And sturdy.
It was so pretty and exactly what I was looking for! Absolutely love it.
Very cute<33 i love it
Good for the price.