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I wasn't expecting this to be 2 separate necklaces after receiving and I'm glad that it is. Each necklace has multiple clasp lengths, so that you can get the perfect length variation between the chains. I've only worn it for 1 day so I can't speak to the finish, but so far I'm happy with it.
I’ve been looking for a cheap alternative to a gold circle necklace that I had a year ago. The necklace came in a perfect condition. I love the size, the color and the design. I am so glad that I made this purchase! Recommend it!
Only doing 4 stars because it was way shorter than I expected. But I still recommend it.
Loved this simple layered necklace. Wore it to a wedding and continued to wear different layers throughout my trip. Works great all together or separately. Good quality too, didn’t turn skin green or anything. Would buy again.
I love layered necklaces, but don't like them to be too large or have too much going on. This one is PERFECT. An added amazing benefit is that the necklaces all come separately - it is not one necklace. So, I technically have three new simple necklaces which makes it even more of a value. Highly recommend it!