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This is a very delicate and attractive chain. I use it for my prescription sunglasses. It's so sunny here that I wear them far more than my regular glasses but when I go into a store I have to put them away and get my regular glasses out. Not anymore. With this I just take my sunglasses off and they are safely hanging like a necklace. You can adjust the loops to fit snugly, I wouldn't say there is any danger of my glasses falling unless I break the chain by getting it hooked on something.
This eyeglass chain is absolutely terrific! Exceptionally lightweight You don’t even notice it’s on when wearing. I have long hair and it doesn’t tangle in my hair. The length is exactly right. Not too long or short. Would highly recommend it to anyone looking for the perfect chain for their glasses!
I am so glad I bought this, as it exceeded my expectations. It is very delicate and lightweight and yet holds my glasses very securely. No more putting them down and then forgetting where I did that! I gave it five stars, I would definitely buy it again.
I needed something to hold my mask when I didn’t have to have it on, but accessible. Wearing the mask is hot enough & I was resting it under my chin which made it even hotter. This little chain is perfect. It is stylish, lightweight & serves the purpose perfectly.
I bought this because I kept losing my glasses when I would hike, figured it would be a cute way to prevent that. Minor problems, the long thin chain got knotted up occasionally but the quality is so good, my car was burglarized and that is all they stole (along with my work badge)
I wanted these so bad but I bought them for my niece so she could have them with her new glasses I got for her and they look beautiful with Michael Kors glasses. The glasses are gold on the side (arms) so it matches nicely. She looks fancy and deserves to!!!!
I absolutely love this light weight, comfortable, and flexible eyeglass holder. I use it to hang my mask around my neck when I’m by myself or at a restaurant. This way there’s no need to place it down on any surface.
This is a beautiful and delicate looking chain for your eyeglasses. I get a lot of compliments on this chain. It fits different styles of glasses and looks cute with almost anything!
This chain is very pretty and delicate. I like that I can wear my glasses around my neck with something pretty and unobtrusive. The chain stays nicely on the glasses.
These fit great and I didn't have any issue with them sliding down. You can adjust them to make them tighter. Looks great on my sunglasses and regular glasses both!!
I like it, but the dangly bits get tangled in the chain. It's no problem for me, I just take the dangles off. I love the chain itself. very convenient if you have to take your glasses on and off often.
Worked wonders! Survived the ocean, the pool and several days of going out in the sun. Also the airport! Very happy with this purchase, definitely recommend
The chain is super well made, I use it for daily wear and it holds up super well!
Love it. Very fashionable and extremely functional. I use it everyday.
Love them and get many compliments on them.