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These were bigger than I expected! I don't usually wear big earrings. However my husband suggested that I try them on. Everywhere I wore them people commented on how nice they looked. If you wear small earrings this one may not be for you....but if you’re adventurous give them a try.
Very festive and beautiful. They were perfect. I needed white accents for a red and white event and everyone loved my earrings. You can't beat the price. Very lovely for the spring and summer.
Wore these to a wedding. Everyone loved them and complimented me. They’re fun and unique. Most importantly, they’re lightweight and stayed in place in my ears. Excited to wear them again! Great price too!
Love the earrings except they are almost too long and touch my collar. I am 5'9" tall so I don't think they would work well for someone shorter. I also wish they were in some other colors. Overall I would probably buy again
If you're getting married, definitely recommend them for an alternative look. Also recommend getting the crown as well. They look really tied together. Gave me princess vibes.
Gorgeous and unique. I received so many compliments on them. They gave my outfit a nice stylish touch. Love them!
Wore these for a big event and got lots of compliments. Lighter than I thought they would be, they don't pull on your ears.
Very pretty! Very lightweight! Wore it to a wedding and I got so many compliments. Love these beautiful earrings
I really like them. Well made and super cute!!!!. Great value for the price.
Super cute, great price. Bought for my white dress on vacation. Really liked them, only downer was one hung differently than the other.
Elegant wisps of petals that dance with you as you move. Lovely indeed!
I wish the part that goes in your ear was silver but I LOVE ❤️ THEM
I love these earrings. Very different, very cool. Would buy again.