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this beautiful watch has exceeded all my expectations ....for the price i paid i did not expect such beauty and quality.. picture perfect and even nicer in reality… simply stunning… i am so in love with my watch...
Looks very bright and more expensive than it is. The stones are all in place, shining and seem durable. I really like it, it doesn’t look like golden ones, but it’s better, very unusual and cool.
Very satisfied! Thank you so much! Stones are all in place, shimmering and generally look expensive! Reality exceeded expectations
I bought it as a gift for my husband and he loved it, he said that it’s very unusual and stylish.
It looks stylish and expensive, even though it’s obvious that it’s not golden. And the rhinestones are nice.
Beautiful, excellent and very original design. Thank you and I recommend
The quality is excellent. The watch looks very cool and stunning, love it.
The watch is heavy, and the rhinestones are bright.
More yellow than usual but I like it
Original watches, really sparkling!
It looks too bright, as for me
The watch is beautiful.