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Great gift box. I used them for jewelry. They're great. They even have a bow. Can't beat it...... It's a gift wrapped box. Just add the contents. I will buy more.
Got this to gold a lovely bracket I got my wife for Valentine's day. The box was beautiful and functional as she uses it to store said gift.
Cute little box I was able to put my girlfriends new car key fob in there as the car was a surprise, ant it fit perfectly.
It was worth the purchase and it was perfect for what I needed it for I love it
Was perfect for a bracelet that I got someone for Christmas! Perfect size
High quality box, looked great. I bough the small and they were perfect for earrings.
Very cute little gift box, perfect for the keychain I put in it.
Very beautiful box, was the perfect fit for a necklace, Thanks
it is one gift box the size for a ring, or maybe a small pendant
Decent quality!
Nice for the price.
Great gift box fit my needs exactly as described
These are great!
Nice. Served the purpose.
A bit small, but I like it.