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I love using this diffuser in my dorm room, it's compact enough where the smell makes an impact, but does not take up too much space in the process. The color-changing feature is really cool and lights up a dark room. It is very user-friendly, this is my first diffuser and is easy to operate. I would highly recommend this diffuser to anyone!
First, you should know that I have some pretty expensive diffusers throughout my home from a specific essential oil company. Now, let me tell you...this affordable diffuser is my absolute favorite! It's very easy to use and very easy to clean. This diffuser also puts out the perfect amount of mist. You won't be disappointed with this diffuser!
I have this next to me at my desk at work and it's pretty convenient in the winter when the air is dry. Add two drops of peppermint oil and it gives off a great scent. This would make a great gift for a coworker as well
Great price, great design, defuses my essential oil beautifully in my bedroom. I can actually smell the scent throughout my 1 bedroom apartment. Small device but pretty powerful.
I am a fanatic about aromatherapy and I love this little unit so I bought several of them. They work fantastic and make the house smell beautiful. Definitely recommend this particular unit. It's nice looking and does a good job.
I took this diffuser on a road trip knowing I would be in a variety of different places--hotels, cabins. This diffuser worked perfectly and provided a quiet and unobtrusive way to scent the air and promote a wonderful environment.
This little diffuser is an excellent desk or bedside table add-on! This was the first diffuser I have ordered and I'm glad I did. While it is more of a petite diffuser, it runs well and has a beautiful design!
This diffuser is awesome! I love the size, the ease of use, and the flow. Honestly, this little diffuser is a good value and works great.
This is a great little diffuser at a reasonable price. I like it better than the one I've had, which I paid 3X the price for!
If you're looking for a great diffuser that isn't going to break the bank, this is it!
This diffuser is great! Comes fully assembled, easy to use and set up.
I got this product to diffuse oils in my car. I opened it, it looked great, but didn’t fit in my car cup holders. So I’m using it at home.
We love the size, look, and function of this diffuser.
My favorite little diffuser!
Very good diffuser at a great price.
I've gotta say that I'm pretty impressed with this mighty little diffuser.