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I was pleasantly surprised at how nice the humidifier looked from the moment I opened up the package. The directions were easy to follow and setting up was a breeze. The changing colors on top are soothing and there is barely a sound from the bubbling water. It's portable and easy to transfer from home to car, and I am seriously considering another one for my sun-room.
I love the fun color changing option of this humidifier! My daughter was instantly mesmerized by the rainbow of colors. It fits nicely in the cup holder of my car and isn’t overwhelmingly strong. With two kids, my car can get messy and the last thing I want is funky odors looming around. This was a great addition to keep the bad smells at bay. Please note that the humidifier comes with a usb cable which I plugged into my cellphone charger to function.
I used this humidifier for a 16 hour road trip (8 hours each way). I would say it lasts about 3 hours until you have to refill the reservoir again. It worked seamlessly, fit perfectly in my cup holder, diffused plenty of mist but not an overwhelming amount. Highly recommend it!
I just got 2 of these to try out. Extremely easy to use. I put one in my car's cup holder and the other by my PC. I used peppermint oil, about 5 drops and it worked great!! The different light settings are nice.I'm buying a few more as Christmas gifts and one more for the bedroom. GREAT price.
I love it so much. I always forget to bring water in the car, but when I remember it's a fun, nice smelling experience. Especially at night with the light (,: I've had it for more than a month now and it still works perfectly.
When I first saw this I thought it was a bit expensive for the size... I knew it would be small like a car cup holder size but it’s certainly smaller than I expected. I’ve had it for over a week now in my work building office and I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised at how much I like it. Although it is small, it’s powerful. I have about a 9 x 6 office and you can smell the oils through the whole room. It’s so quiet that I’ve even been bringing it home to use by my bedside. Hopefully this lasts long for the price! I may get another if it does.
Great little humidifier! Perfect for my car and is very quiet. I bring it into my office, too. Easy to re and clean. Can function with lights on or off. You don't need more than a couple drops of essential oil bc it’s so small.
I absolutely love this humidifier! It works great in the car and isn't too misty.
Great value for the price. I used it on a 8 hour road trip and it works great.