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I love anything with stars & moons on them, therefore, this was perfect. It's delicate and I wouldn't wear it if I was bending over all the time in fear that I might catch it on something and break it. It does get noticed despite its delicate appearance. Very nice. This would be a lovely necklace to gift a young lady.
I just love this necklace! It’s shiny, sparkly, and dainty. The stars just make for a unique and interesting look. The necklace seems to be good quality, and I have no doubts I’ll be able to enjoy wearing it for years to come.
This necklace was purchased as a gift. My mom absolutely loved it. She wears it daily and it still looks as beautiful as the day I bought it. Would definitely recommend. Very dainty and pretty.
As soon as I opened this, I knew it was going to be my favorite necklace for literally any occasion- including every day wear. It’s so unique and gorgeous. I have no complaints at all.
I bought this necklace as a gift for a friend who really likes "moon and stars" designs. She loved this necklace and it looks really nice on her. I think I want one for myself now.
I'm in love with this necklace and I think it's very pretty. I love everything about the sky, so it was an obvious choice. I would buy it again.
Absolutely stunning! I’m so happy with this purchase and so is the person I bought it for. This makes an awesome gift!
Longer chain than I expected but still very pretty
It's very beautiful and dainty. I was afraid the moon would be too big but it's not; it's s a really good size.
This necklace is beautiful, way better than I was expecting. I would definitely buy this again!
Beautiful necklace. The stars on the chain add the perfect touch.