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I bought these to use for jewelry gifts and people loved them. You don't often get jewelry boxes with online jewelry purchases so these are extremely useful for any occasion. They are sturdy and the colors are very nice.
These were exactly what I was looking for! They came just as described, and they fit the earrings I made as gifts perfectly. The color is super cute without being over the top either.
These beautifully colored jewelry gift boxes with the cutest little bows were absolutely PERFECT!!
These gift boxes are great! I will definitely be buying again next time I need to gift jewelry!!
The gift boxes came in two days and are just what I needed for some gifts for the office crew.
This was wonderful to find! I looked everywhere for these boxes. So happy to have found these. Perfect size.
These boxes are perfect! You can put almost any kind of jewelry in them. I would love it if they made some bigger ones as well. These are a bit small, but perfect for smaller jewelry!
Nice gifts boxes for small jewelry
Love it! ♥️
the box made my gift more special. You won't regret buying it!
As described, perfect for what I need it for.
Well made and saves time
Love this little box
Slightly smaller than I expected, but great quality and fit everything perfectly. Very happy with the purchase.
Perfect for the earrings I gifted over Christmas. Pretty, presentable, and great price!
Great purchase!
Exactly as pictured. Works great for my needs!