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I love this bluetooth speaker! I've been streaming shows and listening to music directly from the computer, and was really frustrated because of the low volume levels. This bluetooth speaker works great, the sound is very clear and rich. I just wanted a small speaker to set on the table next to me so I could hear things played directly off my computer better, and it works great for that.
I love this speaker. It is easy to use, the quality is not bad at all. The sound quality could be a bit better though, if you are wanting it for loud music this wouldn't be very good. I personally just needed a small speaker to listen to audiobooks when I am working around the house and its perfect. This review is several weeks after purchase, I use it every day and charge it only once a week.
I bought this for myself so I could listen to my music while working in my kitchen or cleaning so that I didn't have to wear my headphones. I LOVE IT! It was super easy to pair with my iPhone X and it sounds great! You can't hear it over the vacuum but other than that it is awesome for the money. I would buy it as gift if I needed one for someone. Definitely recommend!
For such a small speaker this baby has a kick! It gets pretty loud, can fill a room no problem, and even has some pretty decent bass lows to it. Pleased to have found such a quality speaker for such a great price.
Compact, good sound, and long battery life. Fantastic if you are looking for better audio for books. Might be good for music, however I am generally listening to audio books and that is what I purchased it for.
Seriously! I was blown away at the sound quality of this tiny speaker! The volume is amazing! Wonderful clarity! Looks great. I love it and I’m very happy with my purchase!
I love this speaker. It is small and a pretty rose gold color. The price was also great but I did worry that the quality might not be very good but it is perfect.
Easy to use. Sounds perfect for my room. Movies, music, whatever I am listening to, the quality fits my personal needs perfectly. Thank you!
Wow, I'm in love! This little thing kicks butt!! It was very easy to connect, and has AMAZING sound quality.