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They are very comfortable to wear as an everyday earring. They are classy and look like solid gold. They exceeded my expectations.
Love this —- wore it today and got tons of complements already. Cute and small and the right drop for everyday
I have sensitive ears and these earrings are light and do not irritate me whatsoever. They are super chic. I can wear them all night without issue. Love them!
Super cute! Totally a great pair of earrings for this price. Look way more expensive than they are.
These earrings are so cute and look great alone or paired with other earrings! I love them.
They are lightweight and the perfect size.
Very pretty, lightweight and comfortable to wear.
They're cute as pictured but small
Cute and lightweight
Very cute earrings!
These earrings are perfect. Exactly as advertised.
quality, color and size exactly as the picture/described…
I love my earrings!
Really happy. Nice weight. Great quality.
Absolutely love them. I was hoping they weren’t too big. They are smaller than they seem in the photos. But so worth it.
I would recommend.
So trendy! I’m in love!!!
Good quality. They are even better than I expected