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These are adorable!!! I bought 4 of them to give out as bridesmaid proposal gifts. They all loved the seashell ring holder. They are just as beautiful in person as they are in the pictures!!!
My little sister loves this, I got it for her mermaid ring I got for her birthday and she loves it, makes her feel like a proper mermaid lol
Well made and priced right and it was packaged very well and secure. I would recommend this.
My wife just loved it. Perfect color and amazing craftsmanship especially at such an affordable price.
Small and pretty. Not sure what it's supposed to be used for but I'm just using it as decoration
This is just my favorite thing ever! It's well made and not cheap looking at all. Classy.
My mom loves it!! I gave it to her as a gift and am so proud of myself!!!
Very pretty and functional little box.
This is one of the most beautiful little jewelry boxes I’ve ever owned.
Cute, but small. Works perfectly for the necklaces I bought for my bridesmaids.
it is a little small but still adorable and well made.
Cute. Will go great with my beach themed bathroom decor.
Beautiful piece to add as an accent piece.
My only problem with this product is that it is so small I can only fit one ring or one necklace in there at a time. But I’m so in happy with this box
it’s so adorable and exactly what I was looking for.
Great place to put a ring while sitting at the make-up table.