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These hoops are so pretty. Even wearing them with a chill outfit like leggings and a sweatshirt pulls the outfit together making it look nicer. They are super sparkly, easy to put on, and seem durable. The clasps grip nicely and holds on well, so I wouldn't see them accidentally coming out easily if they got stuck in thick hair. I haven't had any problems with these so far. Highly recommend these earrings!
I haven't worn hoops in ever, and these are giving me LIFE! A little heavy, they pinch my lobes a little (most hoops do for me), I was NOT expecting them to be this big, but I should have looked more. None of the rhinestones were missing, I know that is a problem for some people. I love these, if you're a hoops girl/guy, I highly recommend these :)
Absolutely gorgeous and very sparkly!! They are a little heavier than I thought. Great quality and pictures on here didn't even come close they are so much nicer than I thought would be, came quickly. I love them for everyday!! Will definitely grab some back ups for in car and purse since I hate when I forget them!!
This is one of those items where pictures don't do it justice. When the light hits these..its so beautiful..they will match my silver Crystal studded boots..plus will go with many outfits..These are my new favorite earrings..Ladies buy these! You will Love them❤
Large and delicately sparkling. The perfect size for making my face appear more slim (and it needs all the help it can get there.) Not so big that I can’t turn my head, but big enough to be that glamorous finishing touch or statement piece. Now to find a place to wear these!
The picture doesn’t do it justice because these are really high-quality sparkly rhinestones. Quality product that really doesn’t seem possible at that price point. Love them!
These were perfect! I thought they were a little big when I first opened them up, but when they were on they were perfect! And so lightweight they didn’t weigh my ears down! Love them!! Will wear them again for sure!
These earring are beautiful. Very light weight feeling. Shines beautifully in the rays. The only con I have about them is the diamonds seem loosely on and I’m scared they will fall out. Either way I love them.
These earring are gorgeous they shine in any lighting and looks beautiful it’s very lightweight which I love begin that they are large hoops comfortable for all day wear u won’t regret buying it
Ughhhh I love these hoops they are so pretty I instantly fell in love with them as soon as I put them on! Also my ears are sensitive to fake jewelry (idk it’s weird) and I had no problems with these.
Very cute and stylish, but really heavy. Might be because I am not used to wearing hoop earrings. Great quality and look though. Nice and big as well.
Absolutely beautiful and will be ordering more in the VERY near future!! I brag about these earrings all the time and have recommended other friends to order!! Thank you for a great product!
These earrings are exactly what I wanted. I was looking for big shiny hoops! Unlike other ones these are light weight and the clasp goes over the insert good. Love these
So cute! Love these earrings. Light weight and make any outfit POP. Good price. Will definitely purchase again!
Cute. Nice product. Just too big/sparkly for me. I love my hoops but these were too costumey for me. Arrived super fast.
Very Stylish! You could never tell that the price is as reasonable as it is! I highly suggest!
I love these hoop ! There so pretty and good quality so far