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Love these sunglasses! I have a smaller face so it is hard for me to find sunglasses that don't look monstrous on me. These are perfect. They are built very well too, they don't feel like the cheapy plastic sunglasses that creak and break so easily. They are tough. I wore them out all day on a boat trip and they did not hurt my ears or nose as some glasses do, and they blocked the sun really well. Another thing I love is that I can put them on top of my head and they stay hooked on my ears so well that I can shake my head and they won't fall off. Going to order more!
Love, love, love these shades! Super lightweight. Very good polarization and I like that they don’t have nose pieces so when I slide them up on my head they don’t get stuck in my hair. Would definitely recommend.
These glasses are great! They are polarized as described. They are sturdy and feel well made- they aren't extremely lightweight, they have a little bit of weight to them that gives them a more luxury brand type of feel. I personally don't want to spend $100+ on sunglasses b/c I tend to lose, drop or sit on them... These are an awesome alternative that give the feel of more expensive sunglasses for a fraction of the cost.
These are great sunglasses! Sturdy, well made. The polarized lenses are awesome. A little heavier than other sunglasses I have, but not enough to bother you. Unfortunately they are too big for me & slide right constantly. If I look down they just fall right off to the ground. My fault because I should have measured first. I wish they fit me better because for the price this is the best pair of sunglasses ever!
Wow! These sunglasses look expensive! I am very happy with my purchase.
Love these glasses!! Had several people ask me where I got them. Will buy more!