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I was looking for something that wouldn't break down quickly and most adapters are plastic. So far, I am impressed with this little gizmo. It is small, feels strong, and fits in my car lighter spot very well. I like it’s transparent, that’s unusual. It seems like a great purchase. So far, I recommend this product.
This little guy does the job! I enjoy getting a quick charge via the cigarette lighter! I've had other usb 12v chargers before that did not come anywhere close to juicing up my phone as quickly!
Very fast charging, texture is different from ordinary feeling, very satisfied, compact appearance, good quality, simple and light, fast charging speed.
They work great, and they don't stick out the top of the vehicle plug-in. Great purchase...especially the price.
Works, but not nearly as flush as I expected, but I still love its transparent view, it’s very stylish.
Works great, exactly as advertised.