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What's nice about it? First, it's size is just right for a bedside table/night stand. The unit has a very useful digital night light that illuminates the base and provides a good deal of light in a dark room. What limits this unit? First, the controls are not intuitive. Second, it only picks up FM stations. Certainly FM is likely used more by most people today anyway but there is no way to use the unit to pick up AM unless you connect via bluetooth and use a service. Worth the price and the purchase but may not fit everyone's needs.
This clock just arrived today and overall I love it. It's a nice solid black, that matches my bedroom decor and it's really sleek looking. I'm actually glad I decided to purchase it. it. For the price it's really a steal!
Overall I gave 4 stars due to one thing - the alarm that comes with the unit... I wake easiest to a buzzer sound, there isn’t one. It’s overall not bad, just not quite jolting enough. I’m sure for most it’s fine, I just sleep heavy.
This alarm clock is a great addition to my room! All the functions work properly, however, it does take a while to figure out how this device works. But if you have the time to learn I highly recommend this product.
The radio tuning is not what I had hoped it to be. You can not tune a variety of individual stations. I am still very happy with my purchase and the overall quality of this alarm clock speaker!
I am using this in my studio bathroom as a clock, but also for music. I like that the design is intuitive; yes, it comes with instructions, but I could figure things out just by looking at the buttons.
I found I sleep better while listening to something, and the bluetooth speaker is great for this. It’s cheap and does it’s job even though I’m struggling a bit to set up times and such.
Compact, easy to see, sounds better than any other alarm clock I've had previously. Controls are ok, but could still use some minor improvement, but I'm being rather picky.
It's a pretty good alarm clock, and does quite a bit for its price. The only thing keeping me from giving it five stars is the buttons feel a little flimsy but it's a good clock overall.
The LED display on this clock has a very sleek and clean look or finish, and the digits appear very clear and just the perfect size for a table or night stand placement.
I love everything about this clock. With its slim profile, it fits on my mini clamp-on side table just fine with room for my tablet, phone and other small items.
Very elegant little clock and full of surprises, really loaded with other features. Take your time in trying out the other features... Would recommend it.
Very elegant little clock and full of surprises, really loaded with other features. Take your time in trying out the other features... Would recommend it.
Nice bright and big number display. The only thing I am not a fan of is the speaker quality; but I guess you get what you pay for.
I wasn’t looking to spend too much on an alarm clock, but also wanted usable features. This clock delivers in both areas!
This is a very nice alarm clock. It is easy to set and use with good FM reception, a nice display, and a decent speaker.
This unit is a bang for the buck, Dual alarms, FM radio gives great sound, and Bluetooth. What a deal.
I bought this as a gift for my sister and she loves it. I’d say for the price, it’s a cool little multitasking clock.
Perhaps the best value for an alarm clock you can find.
I'm quite satisfied with this alarm clock :-)
It works perfectly for my son's room!